Acupuncture Calgary – How Can Acupuncture Help Reduce Inflammation?

Many inflammatory disorders have been treated with acupuncture for many years. The mechanisms by which acupuncture lowers inflammatory responses in the body are confirmed and explained by scientific studies. When an additional study is conducted, these explanations become more comprehensive. 

It’s simpler to comprehend how acupuncture works when muscles are relaxed, circulation is improved, and opioid receptors that help with pain management are activated. 

Reduced inflammation and the activation of numerous brain and nervous system regions that change physiological processes in the body are some of the more complex ways it functions.

What is inflammation? 

The body’s natural immunological response to damage or invasion by what it regards as potentially harmful germs includes inflammation. While inflammation can be important for the body’s natural healing processes, excessive or prolonged inflammation can harm the body and cause many diseases, including chronic pain, heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, auto-immune diseases, some types of cancer, and many others.

How do medicines treat inflammation?

Anti-inflammatory medications like NSAIDS and corticosteroids are among the treatments for inflammatory diseases offered by western medicine. These medications reduce inflammation and lessen the discomfort by inhibiting the body’s natural immunological response. Even though these effects may offer much-needed short-term comfort, they do not address the underlying source of the inflammation, and prolonged use might have some unsettling side effects. 

These medications can reduce blood flow to an injured location by inhibiting the body’s inflammatory response, thus preventing the delivery of vital nutrients that promote healing.

In other words, they may obstruct the body’s normal healing process, weakening tissues over time. For this reason, many physicians will typically limit cortisone injections to up to three times a year. 

Moreover, these medications can leave the body vulnerable to infections because they depress the immune system. Long-term steroid therapy patients frequently have increased vulnerability to many illnesses. They include numerous viral and fungus diseases, which can be both bothersome and fatal.

How can acupuncture help in reducing inflammation?

Inflammatory illnesses, such as pain issues and many chronic diseases, such as IBD, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, and others, can be safely and effectively treated with acupuncture. By altering the body’s cytokines, which are immune system-secreted substances that regulate how cells interact, acupuncture can lessen inflammation. Acupuncture has been proven to decrease pro-inflammatory cytokines and enhance anti-inflammatory cytokines. Certain cytokines stimulate an inflammatory response. You can find many acupuncturists in Calgary

To further lessen pain, acupuncture also encourages the release of endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers. According to Chinese medicine, inflammation and pain develop when blockages hamper the body’s ability to heal in blood flow and qi, or life energy. By facilitating the free flow of blood and energy, acupuncture and electro-acupuncture can help the body heal while minimizing pain and inflammation.

Alternative ways to reduce inflammation 

In addition to acupuncture, numerous more organic techniques lower the body’s inflammatory reaction. They consist of dietary adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and supplementation. Here are some of our top natural remedies for reducing inflammation.


The bright yellow spice known as turmeric is frequently used in Asian cuisine. It contains curcumin, an antioxidant with a history of reducing inflammation in studies. Many grocery and health food stores carry turmeric. Make turmeric tea, season savory dishes with it, or take it as a supplement.

Omega 3

As omega-3 fatty acids, especially EPA and DHA, have been demonstrated to lower inflammation in the body, they may be beneficial for treating various chronic illnesses, including heart disease, arthritis, auto-immune diseases, inflammatory skin conditions, and many more. Omega 3 fatty acids also enhance brain and nervous system activities.

Omega 3s can be obtained from a variety of foods as well as supplements. For a supplement’s stronger anti-inflammatory impact, seek one containing EPA and DHA. Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and herring are foods high in omega-3. Omega 3s from plants can be found in flax seeds, raw almonds, and olive oil.

Anti-inflammatory diet 

A diet that is heavy in anti-inflammatory foods and low in inflammatory foods is an anti-inflammatory diet. Sadly, there are lots of inflammatory items in the average Western diet. Processed foods (fast food, most packaged foods, soft drinks, microwave meals), bad fats (most animal fats, fried foods, high-fat dairy foods like ice cream), and processed sugar are examples of inflammatory foods (baked goods, soft drinks, condiments like ketchup). Avoiding inflammatory foods can dramatically reduce your risk of many chronic inflammatory disorders.

On the other hand, eating anti-inflammatory foods can greatly lower your chance of developing numerous chronic conditions. Most of the items in an anti-inflammatory diet are whole (non-processed), high in fibre (oatmeal, black beans, and many vegetables like broccoli and bran), beneficial fats (the aforementioned omega-3-rich foods), and abundant in fruits and vegetables.

Stress management 

Studies show that persistent stress can boost immune cell entry and activation, increasing inflammation. As a result, controlling stress is essential for reducing the body’s inflammatory response. Acupuncturists help you deal with anxiety as well. Stress and anxiety can be effectively treated naturally with acupuncture. Other techniques for reducing stress include yoga, meditation, and diaphragmatic breathing. Watch this space for our next blog on stress management. 


Overall, acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment for reducing inflammation in the body. By stimulating specific points in the body, acupuncture can increase circulation and promote healing. It can also reduce pain and improve overall health. With regular treatments, acupuncture can help reduce inflammation and improve the quality of life for those suffering from inflammatory conditions.